The couple's daughter and grandchildren fled abroad to save their lives. Anatoly and his wife decided to stay at home. Like many others, they hoped it was temporary. However, the small private house where they lived in Mariupol was shelled and then completely destroyed. There is nowhere to go back to. Left alone and homeless, the couple was psychologically broken and did not know how to go on. People who knew them and wanted to help recommended them to turn to Карітас Донецьк у м. Дніпро.
For more than a year, Dnipro has been their shelter and new home. Throughout this time, social workers have accompanied the family, helping them with household chores, shopping in shops and pharmacies.
Recently, Anatoliy Tymofiyovich had a leg operation. It was a relief because before that he could hardly move. During his rehabilitation, the Home Care project helped him to buy medicines and crutches.
The family enjoys regular visits and cordial conversations with social workers. As colleagues from Карітас Донецьк у м. Дніпро the great upheaval has not taken away their friendliness and helpfulness to others.
Neither a venerable age nor a vast life experience can prepare them for the trials of war. That is why, like these people from Mariupol, help in times of crisis is so important.
Donations can be made to a special Lithuanian Caritas account:
Recipient: Lietuvos Caritas
Recipient's bank: "Swedbank", AB
Account: LT2573000115125026
Payment purpose: Support for the people of Ukraine.
Together to victory! Разом до перемоги!